Welcome to,
Federal College of Veterinary and Medical Laboratory Techology, Vom

We welcome all and sundry to our institution where dreams are achieved:
in character, academic excellence and enterprenuership. moreso to drive the success of learning and development and to put the college as the topmost institution of learning and development

About FCVMLT, Vom

The Federal College of Veterinary and Medical Laboratory Technology, Vom is a citadel of learning established in 1956 for the purpose of training middle level manpower on animal and human disease diagnosis of economic, public health and medical importance.

In the past, the College has trained veterinary and medical laboratory personnel for federal and state agencies in Nigeria. In addition, countries like Cameroon, Ghana, Sierra-leone, South Africa, Gambia, Ethiopia and other African countries have benefitted in the training.

  • The College is currently affiliated with the University of Jos for the Award of Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS)
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To be the foremost College of Veterinary, Medical Laboratory, Science and Health Technology Education and Training for national development and economic growth


To produce graduates equipped with character, learning, knowledge and skills in ONE-HEALTH education and training for extension services in agricultural, medical and environmental systems


To be a college of excellence in Veterinary, Medical Laboratory, Science, and Health Technology education and training, based on international best practices, while promoting the value of ONE-HEALTH with diligence and dedication


Training of middle level manpower for:

  • Veterinary and medical research/teaching laboratories.
  • Production of Vaccines and biologicals.
  • Diagnosis of animal and human diseases (zoonosis).
  • Environmental science management technology.
  • Environmental health and pest control technology.
  • Academics and enterprenuership, for development in agricultural technology and public health technology


Our Facilities


Conducive Classrooms

Well ventilated, spacious and illuminated lecture halls for learning


Hostel Facilities

Affordable and convienient hostel facilities


ICT/Internet Facility

Our students and staff are allowed access to a well equipped ICT centre for academic and research activities


Medical Centre

A standard and well equipped medical center with qualified and experience medical personnels


Environmental Health Demonstratrion ground

A well equipped demonstration ground for health science courses


Experimental Animal Farm

A well equipped experimental animal farm for sample collection

Our Partners